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The Art of the Seeing Eye (PDF download)

The Art of the Seeing Eye

by Carolyn Wing Greenlee & Stephanie C. Del Bosco

Also available in paperback on Amazon

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Sample: Lesson 2 from “Art of the Seeing Eye” (PDF file)

By art teachers Carolyn Wing Greenlee and Stephanie C. Del Bosco, who have successfully used these methods with students of all ages in both homeschool and classrooms for over thirty years.

From Carolyn Wing Greenlee:

“When I was teaching art, I developed a simple, step-by-step method of helping my students learn to draw realistically by exercising the right sides of their brains. In most of our lives, it’s the left side that gets all the action—reading, calculating, talking, identifying and categorizing… Very little attention is given to the part of us that loves detail, textures, colors, shapes, timelessness.

Not using the right side causes us to lose the ability to function well, diminishing the power to reason and solve problems with our entire brain. Most of my students had such underdeveloped right brains that they found it difficult to see accurately what was in front of them. So I gave them exercises that ranged from such basic skills as observing and duplicating lines and the spaces between them to drawing complicated objects they had to decode by using such techniques as contour drawing and negative space.

The results were gratifying. Students who could not draw could at least tackle any subject with confidence, and those with artistic talent found drawing even more enjoyable. And one of them, Stephanie C. Del Bosco, went on to become a professional artist and co-authored this course with me.

Includes 10 lessons with explanations, examples, exercises and evaluation instructions designed to encourage the Right Brain to see more accurately—to judge space and relationships, and to notice detail.”

Supplies needed:

Pencil with eraser
Small-tipped, black marking pen
Colored pencils or small-tipped marking pens
Pencil sharpener

Formatted to print on 8.5″ x 11″ US letter-sized paper.

Permission is given to print for use of the immediate family only. Digital transfers to others is not allowed.

And This Is How I Lived: stories from overlanders, immigrants, settlers, and pioneers who made new lives in difficult places

Some stories stick in your mind. These forty-five are favorites of author/editor Carolyn Wing Greenlee who tells why she remembered them and the often surprising circumstances that led to their publication. Among them are eye-witnesses who take you on the Oregon/California trail, inside a Chinese laundry, into a Victorian family living near a quicksilver mine, visiting lonely Chinese railroad workers, and into the lives of those who settled where mountains still bear their names. Here are accounts of ordinary people making their homes in unfamiliar places. Often they were adults recounting experiences they had as children. What did they choose to remember? What did they choose to tell?

Available in paperback only on Amazon

Ingenuity, Innovation and No Dead Ends: Microcurrent, UHF, Radio Paging, and the Pomona Drags — The inventions and discoveries of Dr. Thomas W. Wing

To Dr. Thomas Wing, everything was potential, possibilities. Nothing thwarted him for long. Problems were puzzles to be solved. FDA shutdowns prompted him to explore new areas of discovery. Opportunities abounded. Everywhere he looked, he could see how to make the world a better, safer place.

Through these accounts, Dr. Wing tells in his own voice what motivated him to prove the value of UHF waves for emergency communications, prove a mobile messaging system could be feasible, popularize drag racing at the Pomona Fairgrounds, and pioneer microcurrent, which would revolutionize electronic medicine.

But to Carolyn Wing Greenlee, more important than what her father did is who he was. Into the narrative she weaves stories of ways he interacted with others, their accounts of how those associations expanded their lives, and insights from those closest to him. It’s a love story of family, friends, community, humanity, and what can come into being when the focus is on helping others by providing solutions from our own best gifts.

Available in paperback only on Amazon

Basic Microcurrent Therapy, Acupoint & Body Work Manual

Basic Microcurrent Therapy, Acupoint & Body Work Manual by Carolyn Wing Greenlee, Dennis Greenlee & Dr. Thomas W. Wing

Originally written as a training manual for health professionals treating patients with Monad Microurrent instruments (invented and manufactured by Dr. Thomas W. Wing), the Basic Microcurrent Therapy, Acupoint & Body Work Manual has become a staple in Microcurrent Therapy education and treatment, regardless of which brand of instrument is used.

Want to know what microcurrent can do? Wonder what settings to use? This book is intended to be an inviting introduction for the beginner or a thorough brush up for the intermediate user. From simple body patterns that relieve pain to a simplified system of auricular therapy to an interior look into the body through meridian balance, it offers a spectrum of approaches. The techniques which have revolutionized sports medicine–EMR (Enhancing Muscle Reeducation), ETR (Enhancing Tissue Repair), and GTO (Golgi Tendon Organ)–are explained and illustrated with diagrams of the physiology involved.

A new simplified method of charting meridians, the neurological basis of auricular therapy with the progression of diseases, and an entire chapter on Korean hand acupoint therapy in three levels: Corresponding Points, Basic Points, and Meridian Points.

This is a hands-on manual that guides the reader step-by-step through the basics of microcurrent therapy. Details of instrumentation, applicable bodywork patterns, microcurrent inferential, auricular treatment procedures, meridian therapy, Akabane, interpretation protocol, five phase, Luo, sedation, and supplemental points, source, master, and association points, Korean hand therapy, and a variety of miscellaneous point treatment strategies are all covered in this ambitious and useful book.

15-Minute Vocal Warm-up

15-Minute Vocal Warmup by Carolyn Wing Greenlee

• Read and download the booklet in PDF format for free: Click here

• Immediate download of the audio is available after payment is received.

• When you purchase the download, a download page will appear immediately after you complete the transaction. The download link will also appear on your invoice which will be automatically emailed to you within minutes, if not instantaneously.

• The download link is active for 48 hours after purchase. If you don’t download it before the link expires, contact us and we’ll make sure you receive the files.


Carolyn Wing Greenlee has instructed hundreds of people to sing, and experienced singers to use their voices to their greatest potential. Most have simply not had the tools needed to strengthen, stretch and tune their voices effectively. Everyone can improve with effort and understanding.

These exercises are for warming up the voice and developing its capabilities. The 15 minutes of warm-ups are designed to stretch your range, both higher and lower, to create strength and resonance in the upper range and flexibility and lyricism in the lower range. The exercises are beneficial for all styles of singing in any musical genre.

• Use it around the house to strengthen and expand your vocal range
• Backstage before a performance
• Before tracking a vocal in the studio
• In your car on the way to a gig, or wherever

An 8-page booklet provides explanations of how the voice works and what it takes to improve the quality and control of your voice. A simple explanation of each exercise is also provided.

There are 7 safe and effective exercises:

Track 01 – Thirds
Track 02 – Snowplow
Track 03 – Stretching the Falsetto
Track 04 – Pitch Matching with Vowels
Track 05 – Staccato Octave Jumps
Track 06 – Pitch Matching with Vowel Changes
Track 07 – Octave in 3rds with Staccato Vowels

An unusual part of this CD is that the voice doing the exercises is not perfect. Instead of demonstrating only what should be, it also shows what you can expect if you are not strong and controlled. While you’re learning and growing, you’re bound to make some ugly noises. Don’t feel embarrassed, that’s simply part of the process.

Toady Jewels Too

Toady Jewels Too by Carolyn Wing Greenlee

More quotations collected by Carolyn Wing Greenlee. Gathered during a time of many deaths and serious illnesses of friends and family, Toady Jewels Too can comfort others in similar sorrows. Subjects include Love, God, Ministry, Beauty, Life, Death, People and the Communication Arts.

Toady Jewels

Toady Jewels by Carolyn Wing Greenlee

After ten years in a legalistic church, Carolyn Wing Greenlee was empty, confused, and suicidal, but God sent True Believers to disciple His devastated child. The God they revealed to her was so astounding that she could not remember what they said, so she began taking notes during their conversations.

Toady Jewels is a collection of the comments which helped Carolyn into the delight of knowing the One True and Living God. It includes quotes on such subjects as God, The Christian Walk, Art and Beauty, The Flesh and the Devil, Obedience and Servanthood.

The title comes from Shakespeare:

“Sweet are the uses of adversity
Which like the toad,
ugly and venomous?
Wears yet a precious jewel
in his head.”

The Aardvark-to-Zebu-Animal-Cartooning-How-to Book

The Aardvark-to-Zebu-Animal-Cartooning-How-to Book by Carolyn Wing Greenlee

The Aardvark-to-Zebu-Animal-Cartooning-How-to Book is a whimsical approach to the art of cartooning animals. Practical, playful and informative, it offers a part-by-part look at what makes each animal uniquely itself. It’s fun to look at, fun to read, and fun to try.

Into Their Skin, Both Now & Then

Into Their Skin, Both Now & Then by Carolyn Wing Greenlee

What did Joseph of Arimathea feel while he washed the broken body of Christ? What did Lot’s wife think as she fled from the exploding city? Writing biblical monologues helps you get “into their skin.” It is full of practical information on dramatization with completed scripts written by Carolyn and her students illustrating principles and even some of the most common pitfalls of monologues.

But What If?

But What If? by Carolyn Wing Greenlee

What if Saul had gone out to fight Goliath? What if Ananias and Sapphira had repented before the Lord? The truth of God is fathomless, yet we can become superficial in our reading of His Word. We can be bereft of greater, richer depths of understanding simply because of the familiarity of the “stories” we know so well. Reversal Scripts can help us see these familiar stories in a new light.