Aardvark-to-Zebu-Animal-Cartooning-How-to Book - front cover

The Aardvark-to-Zebu-Animal-Cartooning-How-to Book

By : Carolyn Wing Greenlee


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SKU: EVB-1035
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The Aardvark-to-Zebu-Animal-Cartooning-How-to Book by Carolyn Wing Greenlee

The Aardvark-to-Zebu-Animal-Cartooning-How-to Book is a whimsical approach to the art of cartooning animals. Practical, playful and informative, it offers a part-by-part look at what makes each animal uniquely itself. It’s fun to look at, fun to read, and fun to try.

Format Comb Bound
Pages 32
Size 11" x 8.5"