Wildflowers in the Snow - front cover

Wildflowers in the Snow

By : Carolyn Wing Greenlee


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SKU: EVB-1023
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Wildflowers in the Snow by Carolyn Wing Greenlee

The gentle title and cover of this book belie its fierce heart and ten years of struggling to find a voice after generations of fear and silence. Speaking through the voices of her ancestors and the Chinese who labored to build this country, wresting through issues of womanhood, aging, ailing parents, difficult relationships, seeking and questioning God, discovering the blessings of adversity, celebrating the joys of grandchildren and creative gifts, Carolyn explores identity, life, and voice, not just for the Chinese, but for all who pioneer new lands, sacrificing to make a better place for those who are yet to come.

Review Quotes

Hers is a singular, tenacious, gritty, authentic, tender, and alluring voice which captivates the heart and engages the soul. Wildflowers in the Snow is not so much a collection of poems as it is an irrepressible summons to live our lives spiritedly, compassionately, and courageously. — Calder Lowe, Executive Editor, “The Montserrat Review”

Carolyn has perfect pitch in her writing…the outsider using sleek illuminations to light her way home… — Jay Bail, Editor, “The Book Reader”

Format Paperback
Pages 176
Size 6" x 9"
ISBN 1-887400-26-5