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Mountains & Pioneers of Lake County

Mountains & Pioneers of Lake County by Henry Mauldin

This selection from the research of Lake County Historian Henry Mauldin provides the geology, location, native lore, and stories about the mountains of Lake County, California, and the people who gave them their names. Henry’s own love of people, sense of humor, and zeal for history comes through in his writings, which include eyewitness accounts from the county’s first settlers–many of whom were his personal friends.

Some Things I Have Learned about God from the Life of Gideon

Some Things I Have Learned about God from the Life of Gideon by Bob Cull

Here is a teaching for Believers who are facing battles which threaten to overwhelm them—battles sometimes of their own making—against an enemy which outnumbers them in every way. Here is a fresh look at God’s way of handling those issues in our lives. It may surprise you. His love is always surprising.

Early Saw Mills of Northern Lake County

Early Saw Mills of Northern Lake County by Donald Griner

It was a time of pioneers and pristine forests when a man could set up his own saw mill business with a few oxen and some ingenuity. It was back when the only way to get lumber down from the mountains was to carve out your own road down grades so steep that the only way to slow the team was to drag a tree behind the load. It was a fascination to Donald M. Griner, whose own long life witnessed the transition from those days of invention and fortitude to the present.

This book is full of people, places, industry and events which would be lost were it not for his careful chronicle, preserved with affection, admiration and respect for this integral part of Lake County’s past.

A Saga of Scotts Valley

A Saga of Scotts Valley by Loretta Burriss Ussery

A Saga of Scotts Valley is more than the history of a place and the people that lived there. It’s bits of memories told by the people who lived in the original homesteading era–a barn raising, a wagon ride, encounters with bears, the first buck hunt of three eager boys and more—preserved by Letty Ussery’s pen for us all to enjoy. She did the collecting, the writing, the remembering in the hopes that people will realize that they’re involved in history themselves. As Letty reminds us, what seems insignificant today becomes significant history later. Everyone has a story to tell.

Toady Jewels

Toady Jewels by Carolyn Wing Greenlee

After ten years in a legalistic church, Carolyn Wing Greenlee was empty, confused, and suicidal, but God sent True Believers to disciple His devastated child. The God they revealed to her was so astounding that she could not remember what they said, so she began taking notes during their conversations.

Toady Jewels is a collection of the comments which helped Carolyn into the delight of knowing the One True and Living God. It includes quotes on such subjects as God, The Christian Walk, Art and Beauty, The Flesh and the Devil, Obedience and Servanthood.

The title comes from Shakespeare:

“Sweet are the uses of adversity
Which like the toad,
ugly and venomous?
Wears yet a precious jewel
in his head.”

Into Their Skin, Both Now & Then

Into Their Skin, Both Now & Then by Carolyn Wing Greenlee

What did Joseph of Arimathea feel while he washed the broken body of Christ? What did Lot’s wife think as she fled from the exploding city? Writing biblical monologues helps you get “into their skin.” It is full of practical information on dramatization with completed scripts written by Carolyn and her students illustrating principles and even some of the most common pitfalls of monologues.

But What If?

But What If? by Carolyn Wing Greenlee

What if Saul had gone out to fight Goliath? What if Ananias and Sapphira had repented before the Lord? The truth of God is fathomless, yet we can become superficial in our reading of His Word. We can be bereft of greater, richer depths of understanding simply because of the familiarity of the “stories” we know so well. Reversal Scripts can help us see these familiar stories in a new light.