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If I Have Seen

What does it take to grow deep at the root? Withstand separation and loss without losing hope? Have enough internal strength to keep growing towards the light when the way seems barred by impenetrable obstacles? How do we develop the character which, at the end of our lives, shows us to be more vibrant than in all our green years? And, in view of the terrifying specter of the Future Unknown, can God really turn it all to Good? These are questions pondered in this book. If I Have Seen is a collection of the best poems of Carolyn Wing Greenlee, Lake County Poet Laureate #3, plus her commentary on the stories behind them and the ways she used structure, punctuation, and other aspects of form to convey the meaning of the poem.

Available on Amazon

Z9 City: Champion of Daoqin

Z9 City: Book 1 – Champion of Daoqin

Z9 City is the capital and main hub of the Zenith Colony, a cluster of 50 space stations mining magtronium ore far from the ravages of war-torn Earth.

Born on Z9, Trig Moore has grown up like other kids, going to school, playing baseball, flying in spacecraft, and running around with friends. He loves exploring and has investigated as much of the complex station as his mother would allow. He has never been to Earth. He’s never felt “real” gravity, waded in the ocean, experienced changes of season, or breathed unrecycled air.

After a tragic event shatters his world, Trig finds himself in the custody of the richest man in the galaxy, under the care of a mysterious woman with hidden skills, and with an older brother named Bobby, who has a healthy interest in girls and a passion for flying the fastest spacecraft he can find.

But greed is driving shadowy factions from Earth to the prosperous and peaceful colony, and their infiltration reveals the pasts of Trig’s new family. He and Bobby find themselves in a perilous struggle to defend their home, their way of life, and the people they love, not knowing that their actions may change the balance of power in the galaxy forever.

MIGHTY – vision for the supernatural normal Christian life

Every bit of the Christian life is supernatural, from its origins to its possibilities. From communion with Almighty God to Divine interventions in difficult situations, the biblical principles resulting in real-life accounts within this book can open your understanding of extraordinary ways that ordinary people have experienced the wonders of walking with the Creator of the Universe. And so can you.

Available on Amazon in paperback and kindle

And This Is How I Lived: stories from overlanders, immigrants, settlers, and pioneers who made new lives in difficult places

Some stories stick in your mind. These forty-five are favorites of author/editor Carolyn Wing Greenlee who tells why she remembered them and the often surprising circumstances that led to their publication. Among them are eye-witnesses who take you on the Oregon/California trail, inside a Chinese laundry, into a Victorian family living near a quicksilver mine, visiting lonely Chinese railroad workers, and into the lives of those who settled where mountains still bear their names. Here are accounts of ordinary people making their homes in unfamiliar places. Often they were adults recounting experiences they had as children. What did they choose to remember? What did they choose to tell?

Available in paperback only on Amazon

Ingenuity, Innovation and No Dead Ends: Microcurrent, UHF, Radio Paging, and the Pomona Drags — The inventions and discoveries of Dr. Thomas W. Wing

To Dr. Thomas Wing, everything was potential, possibilities. Nothing thwarted him for long. Problems were puzzles to be solved. FDA shutdowns prompted him to explore new areas of discovery. Opportunities abounded. Everywhere he looked, he could see how to make the world a better, safer place.

Through these accounts, Dr. Wing tells in his own voice what motivated him to prove the value of UHF waves for emergency communications, prove a mobile messaging system could be feasible, popularize drag racing at the Pomona Fairgrounds, and pioneer microcurrent, which would revolutionize electronic medicine.

But to Carolyn Wing Greenlee, more important than what her father did is who he was. Into the narrative she weaves stories of ways he interacted with others, their accounts of how those associations expanded their lives, and insights from those closest to him. It’s a love story of family, friends, community, humanity, and what can come into being when the focus is on helping others by providing solutions from our own best gifts.

Available in paperback only on Amazon

Tied To The Stone: Time of Light (2023 remaster)

Tied To The Stone: Time of Light (2023 remaster)

Dan Worley – Acoustic guitar, Piano, Lead vocals
Carolyn Wing Greenlee – Background vocals, Percussion
Peter Wilson – Electric guitar
Dale Enstrom – B-3 organ, Piano, Keyboards
Dale Billester – Bass
Rob Watson – Drums

Additional drums by Mark King and Razz
Brass by Peter Chambers

Engineered and mixed by Dan Worley and Peter Wilson at Earthen Vessel & Lakehouse studios
Additional engineering by Greg Bell, Soundchasm Studio
Remastered 2023 by Dan Worley

Produced by Carolyn Wing Greenlee & Dan Worley

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